When parked for the night the
passenger seat swivels around to face the rear and becomes my ‘man chair’. This
is where I spend much of my time eating, reading, messing around on my laptop
or watching TV (Yes, horror of horrors, I have a TV, though the puny little
roof mounted antenna doesn’t work all that well. Ahh for the days of analog
where you might not have anything but snow on the screen but could at least
still hear what was going on.) That well placed LED reading lamp mentioned
before, and a swing up counter extension make this a very handy and comfortable
little library, dining room and office.
My current book is within easy
reach, my computer bag tucks back out of the way but handy against the seat
pedestal under my legs, my snack and drink are at hand on the counter extension
and the step for the side door adjacent to the seat becomes my boot storage so
I can prop my feet up on the end of the nearby couch without messing it up too
bad. Very nice.
Behind the driver’s seat is a couch;
in the RV world officially called a gaucho but I don’t know why since I've never seen it wearing chaps and riding a horse; whose primary
purpose in life is to be my bed. Disguised as a couch during the day, at night
I remove the back cushion and prop it on end out of the way against the rear doors, revealing
the bedding which was rolled up and hiding behind it. 15 seconds to pull the bedding into
place and I’m down for the night. In the morning just shove the bedding back
against the wall and drop the back cushion into place to hide it. A
multi-tasking piece of furniture that is quick and simple to use.
There are seatbelts tucked away
under the couch and I have used them the few times I’ve driven somewhere with
more than one passenger on board.
Under the couch is storage accessed by
lifting the bottom cushion. Under here are housed the two house batteries, the
inverter/charger, a box of three reflective emergency triangles, spare
windshield wiper blades (Too long to fit under the passenger seat with the
spare light bulbs and fuses), 12 volt air compressor, sleeping bag, ground pad
and an inexpensive pop-up beach shelter I use to signal that my camp site is actually
occupied when I drive off in the van for a day trip. I also keep a large lidded
plastic container under there. This could be used for a lot of things, like an
impromptu punch bowl, a picnic-table top sink, or maybe an emergency
foot-soaker, but I most often use it as a big bowl for mixing ingredients of my
own homemade trail mix which I then bag in serving sized zip locks; much more
affordable than store bought mixes and I get to put in what I want, not the
cheap leftovers some factory is trying to use up.
Above and spanning the full length
of the couch is another overhead storage compartment long enough to have three
swing-up doors.
Behind the forward door is where I
keep a straw hat for sunny days, a Tilly hat for when it’s wet outside, a
couple of different knit caps and cold weather gloves for when its, as you’ve
probably figured out, cold outside. This space is also where I keep my liner
socks, which, when worn under regular socks, are great for keeping my feet dry
and reducing hot spots and blisters when I’m hiking.
Behind the middle door I keep a yoga
mat (Yes, I do use it for yoga but it also comes in very handy for those times
I might need to climb under the van or otherwise get down on the ground but
don’t want to get yucky.) some sheet music, a couple wood flutes and my electronic saxophone which
plugs into that wonderful multi-tasker, my laptop.
Open the final door at the aft end
and you can see the readouts for the solar charge controller, the E-meter
(Which lets you monitor several things about the house batteries) and the
control panel for the inverter. There’s also a 110 outlet inside here and I
keep one of those outlet testers plugged in it so I can see at a glance that I
have a good shore-power connection. (Did I mention that all my compartment
doors have inset lattice panels that let the compartments breath, and as an
added bonus, allow me to see indicator lamps without actually opening the door?)
I also keep my cloth shopping bags here along with a small plastic tray that is
my ‘dresser-top’ where I throw the stuff from my pockets like wallet, phone,
keys and junk like that. While I’m traveling, receipts, which I’ll shred when I
get home, and brochures and other paperwork I acquire along the way are tucked
under this tray.
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