Thursday, March 30, 2017

Apparently I can't even quit properly

A while back I wrote this post explaining why I was considering switching from the Good Sam Club to KOA.

Because of membership overlaps, for a while there I carried both cards. But when I started getting smail-mails a few months ago from Good Sam telling me that the CC on file was invalid (Expiration date had changed.) and I needed to log in and give them a new card to ensure my membership remained unbroken, I took that as a sign and just let my Good Sam membership expire.

It wasn't surprising that lurking in the mail today was yet another missive from Good Sam (Like AARP, Good Sam is a marketing machine that generates a recycling tub load of fliers and 'offers' every year.) but as I stripped it open to shred the personal information bits and recycle the rest, the bold type caught my eye.

Complimentary membership??

What hellish trickery is this?

What conniving tomfoolery are they up to now?

I read the paperwork with a great deal of skepticism and still couldn't suss out the catch. So I read it over several more times, which didn't take all that long since it was only one side of one page, a third of which was taken up by a $10 coupon from Camping World, but still can't find the lurking gotch!

So I tried logging into my long untouched Good Sam account and found that not only was it still active, but without having to make any promises, without having to click on any 'special restriction' statements, without having to update my out-of-date card info, ransom my first-born or even one of my wife's cats, my membership is good through 2018.

Now I believe in standing on your own two feet in this life, but I also admit that when things are thrown at me, like healthcare subsidies and free memberships to something that just might be useful somewhere down the road, I'm not above reaching out and catching them.

So it is without apology that my un-earned membership card went right into my pocket. . .

By the way, don't let that Deluxe Member crap fool you. Despite how grandiose it might sound, of the four membership levels Deluxe is second from the bottom.


  1. Just wait until you turn 64 1/2 .... pounded daily with snail mail of supplement insurance offers to Medicare while my phone rings with offers to WRITE OFF my student loans. I DON'T HAVE STUDENT LOANS ... LOL

    But good job on grabbing that free membership and running away like you stole something.
