Oct 8: I left the Nashville IN area this
morning and rejoined US50.
I left a little early but, just like
I found in Montgomery AL, the morning rush in Bloomington, which I had to go
right through to get where I needed to be, was pretty much a non-issue.
It was pretty foggy through the
morning but from what I could see of the land south of Bloomington it was
pleasantly rolling with a few pockets of steepness.
Once I turned west on US50 the
steepness gradually got a little less prominent until it pretty much just
flattened out at the Illinois border.
Right in the middle of that nothingness
at the Illinois border, right here in the middle of the country, on the
flood-plain side of the Wabash River with no harbor or significant airport
within hours, I saw a big sign for the Lawrenceville free-trade port. It seemed
a bit strange so I looked it up. According to Wikki a free trade zone is "an area within which goods may be landed, handled, manufactured or reconfigured, and reexported without the intervention of the customs authorities"
I'm not sure where they are landing from, what they are doing to it and how they are re-exporting whatever it is, but there it is. right in the middle of the country. . .
One good thing to note is that I am
now back in Central Time Zone. After all these years of living in it I guess it
just feels right and my body clock was not tuned all that well to Eastern time.
On my way across Illinois I made a
side trip into Olney because I had read they had a large population of albino
squirrels in the town square. I'm not even sure I found the town square and never did see any
red-eyed squirrels. . . but it was a nice interlude.
But then I had to I grit my teeth, tighten my
grip on the steering wheel, negotiate the traffic; and a construction detour;
to punch my way through to the southwest corner of St Louis before stopping for
the night so I would be heading away from the city, and the traffic, in the
Oct 9: South bank of the Missouri
Drove around the area south of the
Missouri river between St Louis and Jeff City today. I've been by the area many times but never took the time to explore before. Started by driving through the
town of Union, which I would consider a far western suburb of St Louis, drove
US50 west as far as SR19 which I took north to the river town of Herman.
This time, as I headed west on US50
I stayed on it as far as Jeff city, but then left it again and headed north the
30 miles or so to Columbia where I stopped in a campground I’ve been at before just
on the north side of the town.
An hour or so later I got picked up
and chauffeured to the Chinese buffet in Columbia by my wife's sisters and family, Gail, John and Tammie. JR
managed to join us as well. It was still early when we finished so instead of
going right back to the campground I went over to Gail and John’s house for a
bit before Tammy dropped me off at the campgroud on her way home for the night.
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